248 059 of RheinCargo at Hebertshausen
102 004 of DB at Hebertshausen
DS Blümlisalp of BLS at Oberhofen
DS Blümlisalp of BLS at Oberhofen
DS Blümlisalp of BLS at Oberhofen
MAN NL363 602 of STI at Thun (Lauitor)
RABe 511 031 of SBB at Jona
295 056 of FLEX at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
218 424 of DB at Klardorf
223 081 of DLB at Klardorf
218 443 of DB at Nabburg
Be 4/12 72 of RBS between Urtenen and Schönbühl RBS
146 522 of SWEG at Nürnberg
Re 421 393 of TEE between Nebikon and Wauwil
Re 421 393 of TEE between Nebikon and Wauwil
Re 421 393 of TEE between Nebikon and Wauwil
Re 460 035 of SBB between Nebikon and Wauwil
Re 460 035 of SBB between Nebikon and Wauwil
RABe 501 015 "Giruno" of SBB between Nebikon and Wauwil
RABe 526 223 of SOB between Herzogenbuchsee and Riedtwil