ABeh 2/6 7504 of MVR between Châtelard (VD) and Fontanivent
Be 4/4 9202 of MOB between Châtelard (VD) and Fontanivent
Be 4/4 9201 of MOB between Châtelard (VD) and Fontanivent
ABeh 2/6 of MVR at Châtelard (VD)
Ge 4/4 III of MOB at Châtelard (VD)
GDe 4/4 6006 of MOB at Châtelard (VD)
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB at St-Saphorin
Re 460 of SBB at St-Saphorin
Re 460 of SBB at St-Saphorin
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB between Rivaz and Saint-Saphorin
RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Chexbres and Corseaux-Cornalles