412 9047 of DB between Hindelbank and Lyssach
Re 485 008 of BLS between Hindelbank and Lyssach
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB between Chavornay and Bavois
Re 430 358 of SBB between Chavornay and Bavois
RABDe 502 015 of SBB between Hindelbank and Lyssach
193 524 of SBB between Hindelbank and Lyssach
193 715 of BLS between Chavornay and Bavois
Re 620 031 of SBB at Bavois
Re 485 018 of BLS between Hindelbank and Lyssach
Bt of SBB between Hindelbank and Lyssach
Be 2/2 14 of TRAVYS between Orbe and St-Eloi
Re 420 178 of SBB between Chavornay and Essert-Pittet