Re 486 505 of BLS between Wynigen and Burgdorf
RABe 528 101 of BLS at Aeschi
De 4/4 121 of ASm at Langenthal Industrie Nord
RABe 528 103 of BLS between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau NBS
Re 460 082 of SBB between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau NBS
RABDe 500 004 of SBB between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau NBS
RABe 528 101 of BLS at Kirchberg NBS
RABe 528 103 of BLS at Aeschi
Re 465 002 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
Re 465 002 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 527 332 of TransN between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 526 057 of SOB between Freienbach SOB and Wilen bei Wollerau
Re 465 002 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 523 076 of TransN between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 523 075 of TransN between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
640 016 of DB at Wernberg
1648 211 of DLB at Wernberg
BDe 4/4 7 of TransN between Le Grenier and Le Reymond
Re 465 005 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
Re 465 002 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys