Bm 6/6 18505 of OeBB at Häusernmoos
Bm 6/6 18505 of OeBB between Huttwil Sportzentrum and Dürrenroth
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Dürrenroth and Huttwil Sportzentrum
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Häusernmoos and Dürrenroth
TGV Réseau Duplex of SNCF between Narbonne and Port-la-Nouvelle
TGV Duplex of SNCF between Port-la-Nouvelle and Narbonne
Bm 6/6 18505 of OeBB between Häusernmoos and Dürrenroth
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Dürrenroth and Häusernmoos
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Dürrenroth and Häusernmoos
Z 27521 of SNCF between Narbonne and Port-la-Nouvelle
Ee 3/3 16408 of Ruwa at Sumiswald (Burghof)
Ee 3/3 16408 of Ruwa at Sumiswald (Burghof)
Bm 6/6 18505 of OeBB at Sumiswald Grünen
Bm 6/6 18505 of OeBB between Zollbrück and Ramsei
Bm 6/6 18505 of OeBB at Langnau i.E.
Bm 6/6 18505 of OeBB between Zäziwil and Bowil
Z 54500 of SNCF between Port-la-Nouvelle and Narbonne
Tm 234 416 of SBB at Thun
Z 27856 of SNCF between Narbonne and Lézignan-Corbières
B 81500 of SNCF between Lézignan-Corbières and Narbonne