HGe 4/4 II 107 of MGB between Sedrun and Bugnei
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Sedrun and Bugnei
HGe 4/4 II 101 of MGB between Dieni and Tschamutt-Selva
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Oberalppasshöhe and Nätschen
218 237 of DB at Neustadt/WN
Reisezugwagen of DB at Klardorf
232 472 of DB at Klardorf
218 237 of DB at Neustadt/WN
EMD F40PH-2 6418 of VIA at Brockville
RBDe 567 316 of TPF between Münchenwiler-Courgevaux and Cressier
RBDe 567 172 of TPF between Münchenwiler-Courgevaux and Cressier
RBDe 567 182 of TPF between Münchenwiler-Courgevaux and Cressier
218 271 of DB at Nabburg
218 203 of DB at Altenstadt WN
EMD SD40-2 3340 of NS between Cresson and Gallitzin
162 019 of ČD at Praha hl.n.
854 031 of ČD at Praha hl.n.
150 021 of ČD at Praha hl.n.
141 052 of ČD at Praha hl.n.
363 054 of ČD at Praha hl.n.