711-004 of SŽ between Ptuj and Moskanjci
813-041 of SŽ between Ptuj and Moskanjci
813-020 of SŽ between Velika Nedelja and Oslusevci
333 361 of RENFE at Alcolea
470 128 of RENFE at Alcolea
269 238 of RENFE at Alcoela
100 003 of RENFE at Alcoela
592 044 of RENFE at Bobadilla
Class 598 of RENFE at Antequera
Bzmot 6112 415 of MAV between Biharkeresztes and Mezöpeterd
65 1300 of CFR between Episcopia Bihor and Biharkeresztes
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg at Vascau
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg between Vascau and Stei
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg at Ioanis
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg between Beius and Finis
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg at Holod
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg at Holod
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg at Holod
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg at Tinca
RT 97 "Caravelle" of Reg at Tinca