294 661 of DB between Schwandorf and Maxhütte-Haidhof
223 065 of ARRIVA between Schwandorf and Maxhütte-Haidhof
Class 612 of DB between Schwandorf and Maxhütte-Haidhof
Class 642 of VBG at Nabburg
Class 642 of VBG at Nabburg
223 068 of ARRIVA at Nabburg
223 068 of ARRIVA between Nabburg and Pfreimd
Class 610 of DB at Neustadt/WN
854 028 of ČD at Tlucná
754 060 of ČD at Tlucná
742 063 of ČD at Tlucná
242 269 of ČD at Plzen hl.n.
742 392 of ČD at Plzen hl.n.
210 021 of ČD at Plzen hl.n.
754 059 of ČD at Nyrany
750 236 of ČD at Domazlice
Re 485 of BLS between Gelterkinden and Tecknau
ETR 470 "Cisalpino" of CIS between Gelterkinden and Tecknau
Re 460 111 of SBB between Gelterkinden and Tecknau
810 419 of ČD at Domazlice Mesto