Class 162.1 of RJ between Turany and Sutovo
Class 162.1 of RJ between Turany and Sutovo
Class 671 of ZSSK between Turany and Sutovo
163 106 of ZSSK at Strecno
Class 193 of RJ at Strecno
751 037 of ZSSK at Ružomberok
ET41 41 of PKP at Ružomberok
183 043 of ZSSK between Strba and Strba zastavka
Class 362 of ZSSK between Strba and Strba zastavka
Class 362 of ZSSK between Strba and Strba zastavka
Class 680 of ČD between Strba and Strba zastavka
Class 680 of ČD between Strba and Strba zastavka
Class 363 of ZSSK between Strba and Strba zastavka
Class 363 of ZSSK between Strba and Strba zastavka
Class 163 of ZSSK between Letanovce and Vydrnik
Class 193 of RJ between Letanovce and Vydrnik
Class 193 of RJ between Letanovce and Vydrnik
Class 183 of ZSSK between Letanovce and Vydrnik
361 004 of ZSSK between Letanovce and Spisske Tomasovce
361 004 of ZSSK between Letanovce and Spisske Tomasovce