761 005 of MTR at Marktleuthen
IORE 118 of MTAB at Torneträsk
223 064 of DLB at Neudes
233 314 of DB at Neudes
203 315 of DB at Neudes
5001 of Luas between Dublin, O'Connel and GPO
203 220 of PRESS at Reuth bei Erbendorf
4006 of Luas at Dublin (Smithfield)
3019 of Luas at Dublin (Smithfield)
Dr16 2821 of VR at Sieppijärvi
Dr16 2821 of VR at Sieppijärvi
3024 of Luas at Dublin (Smithfield)
4004 of Luas at Dublin (Smithfield)
Sr3 of VR between Koivu and Muurola
Edo "InterCity2" of VR between Muurola and Koivu
3001 of Luas at Dublin (Smithfield)
Edo "InterCity2" of VR between Tervola and Koivu
277 808 of ESLNL at Schirnding
Edo "InterCity2" of VR between Koivu and Tervola
Sr3 of VR between Koivu and Tervola