World > Switzerland > Dampfbahn Bern
E 3/3 853 of DBB at Sumiswald Grünen
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Rothrist and Murgenthal
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Sonceboz-Sombeval and La Heutte
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Court and Sorvilier
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Delémont and Moutier
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB at Delémont
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Sumiswald-Grünen and Affoltern-Weier
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Sumiswald-Grünen and Affoltern-Weier
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Bauma and Saland
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Bauma and Neuthal
Eb 3/5 5810 of DBB between Bäretswil and Neuthal
Eb 3/5 of DBB between Wohlen Oberdorf and Erdmannlistein
Eb 3/5 of DBB at Bremgarten West
Eb 3/5 of DBB between Wohlen Oberdorf and Erdmannlistein
Ec 4/5 of DBB at Fischenthal
Ec 4/5 of DBB at Fischenthal
Te 155 of DBB at Bauma
Te 155 of DBB between Bäretswil and Neuthal