612 512 of DB between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen
218 422 of DB between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen
Class 612 of DB between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen
BM 73 of NSB at Hjerkinn
BM 73 of NSB at Hjerkinn
BM 73 008 of NSB between Drivstua and Kongsvoll
218 447 of DLB between Immenstadt and Blaichach
El 18 of NSB between Hjerkinn and Kongsvoll
218 423 of DB between Immenstadt and Martinszell
218 403 of DB between Oberstaufen and Röthenbach
245 001 of DB between Oberstaufen and Röthenbach
612 566 of DB at Irrenlohe
185 685 of CN at Drivstua
233 306 of DB at Dürnsricht
612 066 of DB at Dürnsricht
232 609 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
BM 73 of NSB between Hjerkinn and Kongsvoll
650 737 of agilis at Pressath
294 594 of DB at Parkstein-Hütten
BM 73 of NSB between Oppdal and Engan