RABe 526 286 of SBB between Court and Sorvilier
Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Jablonov nad Turňou and Lipovník
RABe 526 264 of SBB between Reconvilier and Tavannes
RABe 526 262 of SBB between Reconvilier and Tavannes
742 541 of ODOS at Jovice
RABe 526 286 of SBB between Reconvilier and Tavannes
752 041 of ZSSK at Jovice
RABe 526 262 of SBB between Sonceboz-Sombeval and Tavannes
Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Vernár and Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa
RABe 526 280 of SBB between Renan BE and Sonvilier
RABe 526 285 of SBB between Renan BE and Sonvilier
754 082 of ZSSK at Telgárt
Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK at Blhovce
Class 752 "Bardotka" of ZSSK between Hodejov and Blhovce
812 010 of ZSSK at Blhovce
812 054 of ZSSK at Blhovce
754 034 of ZSSK at Blhovce
812 005 of ZSSK between Hodejov and Blhovce
812 029 of ZSSK at Gortva
812 029 of ZSSK at Rimavské Janovce