RBDe 562 004 of SBB between Colombier and Auvernier
P32AC-DM 710 of AMTK between Peekskill and Manitou
P32AC-DM 710 of AMTK between Peekskill and Manitou
P32AC-DM 204 of MNCW between Peekskill and Manitou
ABt of SBB between Colombier and Auvernier
232 618 of DB at Nabburg
RBDe 560 247 of SBB between Travers and Noiraigue
P32AC-DM 704 of AMTK at Rutland Station
RDC-1 23 of CSRX at North Conway Station
9 of Cog between Base Station and Summit Station
9 of Cog between Base Station and Summit Station
EMD GP7 573 of CSRX between Bartlett and Intervale
EMD GP7 573 of CSRX between Bartlett and Intervale
EMD GP7 573 of CSRX between Bartlett and Intervale
EMD GP38 of CSRX between North Conway and Intervale
EMD GP7 573 of CSRX between North Conway and Intervale
10 of Cog at Fabyan's Station
M4 of Cog between Base Station and Summit Station
M6 of Cog between Base Station and Summit Station
M3 of Cog between Base Station and Summit Station