Re 460 of SBB between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau
BDe 576 of Makies between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau
186 101 of BLS between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau
ABt of SBB between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau
RABe 511 015 of SBB between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau
RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen
ETR 610 "Cisalpino due" of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen
Re 460 of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen
Re 420 347 of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen
RABe 523 "FLIRT" of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen
Class 193 of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen
RABDe 500 014 of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
RABe 523 052 of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
193 260 of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
ABt of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
Re 474 015 of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
185 114 of DB between Mühlau and Sins
RABe 523 051 of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
Rem 476 of RLC between Arth-Goldau and Immensee