193 260 of SBB between Wynigen and Burgdorf
Re 620 068 of SBB between Wynigen and Burgdorf
RABe 515 024 of BLS between Wynigen and Burgdorf
Re 486 505 of BLS between Wynigen and Burgdorf
RABe 528 101 of BLS at Aeschi
De 4/4 121 of ASm at Langenthal Industrie Nord
RABe 528 103 of BLS between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau NBS
Re 460 082 of SBB between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau NBS
RABDe 500 004 of SBB between Langenthal and Roggwil-Wynau NBS
RABe 528 101 of BLS at Kirchberg NBS
RABe 528 103 of BLS at Aeschi
Re 465 002 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
Re 465 002 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 527 332 of TransN between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 526 057 of SOB between Freienbach SOB and Wilen bei Wollerau
Re 465 002 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 523 076 of TransN between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 523 075 of TransN between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
640 016 of DB at Wernberg
1648 211 of DLB at Wernberg