Beh 2/6 544 of TPC between Villy and St-Triphon-Gare
Beh 2/6 544 of TPC between Villy and St-Triphon-Gare
Be 4/4 5004 of MOB between Gruben and Gstaad
BDe 4/4 401 of TPC between Aigle Château and Aigle Parc Aventure
BDe 4/4 401 of TPC between Aigle Château and Aigle Parc Aventure
BDe 4/4 of TPC between Aigle Parc Aventure and Aigle Château
BDe 4/4 403 of TPC between Aigle Château and Aigle Parc Aventure
BDeh 4/4 of TPC at Fontanney
ETR 610 "Cisalpino due" of FS between Aigle and Roche VD
ETR 610 011 of FS between Aigle and Roche VD
Re 460 of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
Re 460 018 of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
Re 420 349 of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
Re 420 349 of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
Bt of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
Bt of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
Re 420 281 of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
Re 420 281 of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
523 111 of SBB between Aigle and Roche VD
BDeh 4/8 22 of TMR between Salvan and Les Marécottes