Ae 3/6 III 10267 of SBB at Villeneuve

Ae 3/5 10213 of SBB at Lausanne

Be 4/8 42 of VBW at Worblaufen

BDe 4/4 36 of VBW at Bern (Kirchenfeld)

Re 4/4 II 11253 of SBB at Martigny

1670.25 of ÖBB at Bludenz

GG1 920 of AMTK between North Elizabeth and Newark

GG1 900 of AMTK between North Elizabeth and Elizabeth

ABDe 4/4 14 of MThB at Tägerwilen

BDe 4/4 1632 of SBB at Lenzburg

ABDeh 8/8 2042 of BVZ between Randa and Täsch

Metroliner 884 of AMTK at New Brunswick

Ge 4/4 I 605 of RhB at Filisur

Em 2/2 1 of ST at Sursee

Be 4/8 44 of VBW at Zollikofen

H 2/3 7 of BRB at Brienz

H 2/3 6 of BRB between Brienz and Planalp

H 2/3 4 of BRB between Brienz and Planalp

H 2/3 7 of BRB at Brienz

Be 4/4 41 of VBW at Bern (Kornhausplatz)