711-015 of JŽ at Graz Hbf
Bt 324 of EBT between Sumiswald-Grünen and Grünenmatt
BDe 4/4 83 of SOB at Pfäffikon SZ
194 574 of DB at Obertraubling
Re 4/4 173 of BLS at Hohtenn (Luogelkinviadukt)
Be 4/8 42 of FART between Borgnone-Cadanza and Palagnedra
Be 4/8 42 of FART between Pontebrolla and Tegna
Sr1 3057 of VR at Helsinki
BDnf "Hasenkasten" 339 of DB between Heimersheim and Bad Bodendorf
212 111 of DB at Erbach
215 055 of DB between Sigmaringen and Hausen im Tal
215 106 of DB between Beuron and Hausen im Tal
Class 218 of DB between Sigmaringen and Hausen im Tal
215 053 of DB between Sigmaringen and Storzingen
215 107 of DB between Sigmaringen and Hausen im Tal
215 107 of DB between Sigmaringen and Hausen im Tal
627 004 of DB between Schiltach and St Roman
627 002 of DB between Wolfach and Hausach
627 002 of DB between Wolfach and Hausach
627 007 of DB at Freudenstadt