Class 541 "Taurus" of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 342 of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 312 "Desiro" of SŽ at Kresnice
Class 342 of SŽ at Kresnice
363-015 of SŽ at Kresnice
363-036 of SŽ at Kresnice
312-120 of SŽ at Kresnice
362-039 of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
363-011 of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 541 "Taurus" of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 541 "Taurus" of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 342 of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 312 "Desiro" of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 342 of SŽ between Kresnice and Litija
Class 362 of SŽ at Zidani Most
342-035 of SŽ at Zidani Most
275 104 of MWB at Dachau
BDe 576 054 of SOB between Freienbach SOB and Wilen bei Wollerau
BDe 576 048 of SOB at Samstagern
BDe 576 048 of SOB at Samstagern