LRZ 96 414 of SBB between Gurtnellen and Amsteg
Sr2 3234 of VR between Loimaa and Humppila
Sr2 3239 of VR between Loimaa and Humppila
RABDe 500 "ICN" of SBB between Arth-Goldau and Walchwil
RABe 523 "FLIRT" of SBB between Arth-Goldau and Walchwil
Sr2 3245 of VR between Akaa and Humppila
Re 4/4 II 11300 of SBB between Arth-Goldau and Walchwil
ETR 470 "Cisalpino" of CIS between Arth-Goldau and Walchwil
Sm3 of VR between Orivesi and Jämsä
460 007 of TDR at Bingen
Sr1 3017 of VR between Orivesi and Jämsä
Sm3 of VR between Orivesi and Jämsä
Sr1 3002 of VR between Orivesi and Jämsä
Dm12 4412 of VR between Orivesi and Haapamäki
Sr1 3033 of VR between Tampere and Orivesi
Dm12 4412 of VR between Tampere and Orivesi
Class 185 of BLS between Fribourg and Düdingen
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Fribourg and Düdingen
Re 460 of SBB between Fribourg and Düdingen
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Fribourg and Düdingen