Re 484 of SBB between Bodio and Biasca
IORE 110 of MTAB between Kiruna and Krokvik
Re 456 143 of SOB between Einsiedeln and Biberbrugg
IORE 119 of MTAB between Abisko and Stordalen
IORE 110 of MTAB at Torneträsk
Rc6 1327 of SJ at Torneträsk
TKa7 of VR at Abisko Östra
Re 456 143 of SOB between Wädenswil and Burghalden
IORE of MTAB at Abisko Östra
Rc6 1326 of SJ at Abisko Östra
IORE 112 of MTAB between Kaisepakte and Stenbacken
IORE 103 of MTAB between Torneträsk and Stenbacken
IORE 107 of MTAB between Torneträsk and Bergfors
Rc6 1334 of SJ between Torneträsk and Bergfors
IORE 102 of MTAB at Torneträsk
Rc6 1336 of SJ at Abisko Östra
Rc6 1336 of SJ at Abisko Östra
Rc6 1334 of SJ at Abisko Östra
IORE 115 of MTAB at Torneträsk
IORE 112 of MTAB at Stenbacken