BDhe 4/8 214 of JB between Kleine Scheidegg and Eigergletscher
Deh 4/4 II of MGB between Realp and Hospental
G 4/5 107 of RhB between Filisur and Alvaneu
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Realp and Hospental
ABt of MGB between Realp and Hospental
G 4/5 107 of RhB between Thusis and Cazis
ABeh 4/4 II 313 of BOB between Zweilütschinen and Lauterbrunnen
ABeh 4/4 304 of BOB between Zweilütschinen and Lauterbrunnen
HGe 4/4 II of MGB at Nätschen
ABeh 4/4 II 313 of BOB between Zweilütschinen and Lauterbrunnen
ABeh 4/4 II 313 of BOB between Lauterbrunnen and Zweilütschinen
Deh 4/4 II of MGB between Nätschen and Oberalppasshöhe
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Nätschen and Oberalppasshöhe
HGe 4/4 II of MGB at Nätschen
Deh 4/4 of MGB at Nätschen
362 057 of ČD at Brod nad Tichou
230 026 of ČD at Brod nad Tichou
230 044 of ČD at Kočov-Ústí
350 003 of ZSSK at Kočov-Ústí
362 046 of ČD at Kočov-Ústí