ABe 2/6 of CJ between Saignelégier and Le Bémont
Be 4/4 of CJ between La Chaux-des-Breuleux and Le Pied-d'Or
BDe 4/4 II of CJ between La Chaux-des-Breuleux and Le Pied-d'Or
ABe 4/4 of CJ between La Chaux-des-Breuleux and Le Pied-d'Or
ABe 2/6 of CJ between Les Breuleux and La Chaux-des-Breuleux
ABe 4/4 of CJ between Le Noirmont and Les Breuleux
ABe 2/6 of CJ between Le Noirmont and Les Breuleux
ABt of CJ between Le Noirmont and Les Emibois
BDe 4/4 II of CJ between La Cibourg and Bellevue
ABe 4/4 of CJ between La Cibourg and Bellevue
ABe 4/4 of CJ between La Cibourg and Bellevue
ABt of CJ between La Cibourg and Bellevue
612 097 of DB at Freihung
612 115 of DB at Freihung
612 097 of DB at Freihung
612 597 of DB at Freihung
Be 2/6 of MVR between Châtelard and Belmont-sur-Montreux
ABDe 8/8 of MOB between Rossinière and La Tine
BCFhe 2/3 of RB between Rigi Staffel and Rigi First-Wölfertschen
BDhe 2/4 I 7 of RB between Rigi Staffel and Rigi First-Wölfertschen