Re 465 004 of BLS between Worb SBB and Tägertschi
EN76 040 of KW at Poznań
Reisezugwagen of PKP at Poznań
Ge 4/4 III 644 of RhB between Samedan and Celerina
Ge 4/4 III 648 of RhB between Samedan and Celerina
Ge 4/4 II 620 of RhB between Pontresina and Punt Muragl
Ge 4/4 III 643 of RhB between Bever and Spinas
Ge 4/4 III 642 of RhB between Bergün and Preda
Ge 4/4 III 643 of RhB between Bergün and Preda
Ge 4/4 III 645 of RhB at Preda
EU47 005 of KM at Warszawa
EP09 024 of PKP at Warszawa
223 152 of PRESS at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
232 589 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
232 589 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
Ae 4/7 of TR between Wettingen and Würenlos
Ae 4/7 of TR between Burgdorf and Lyssach
Ae 4/7 10997 of TR between Lyssach and Burgdorf
BDt of SBB between Burgdorf and Lyssach
RBDe 566 I of BLS between Biglen and Grosshöchstetten