2TE25KM-0518 of UBTZ between Bumbat and Chonchor
2TE116UM-010 of UBTZ between Chonchor and Bumbat
2TE116UM-010 of UBTZ between Chonchor and Bumbat
2TE116UM-010 of UBTZ between Chonchor and Bumbat
442 273 of DB at Rödental
193 806 of DB at Rödental
442 276 of DB at Rödental
193 803 of DB at Sonneberg
1462 048 of DB at Neustadt (b Coburg)
1462 047 of DB at Neustadt (b Coburg)
442 271 of DB at Haarbrücken
193 806 of DB at Haarbrücken
193 806 of DB at Rödental
193 802 of DB at Rödental
403 051 of DB at Untersiemau
442 303 of DB at Bad Staffelstein
152 074 of DB at Bad Staffelstein
423 690 of DB at Neufahrn
50 80 86-35 022 DABpbzfa764.0 of DB at Neufahrn
425 148 of DB at Neufahrn