232 330 of DB at Thansüß
612 618 of DB at Thansüß
612 062 of DB at Thansüß
Bt 132 of TPC between Villy and St-Triphon-Gare
Be 4/4 101 of TPC between Villy and St-Triphon-Gare
Beh 4/8 592 of TPC between Corbier and Pont du Rhône
1648 204 of OPB at Escheldorf
ABt 976 of BLS between Kaufdorf and Thurnen
RABe 525 026 of BLS between Kaufdorf and Thurnen
RABe 525 021 of BLS between Kaufdorf and Thurnen
622 409 of vlexx at Nabburg
642 313 of VBG at Neustadt/WN
BDeh 4/4 502 of TPC between Aigle-Hôpital and St-Triphon-Village
BDeh 4/4 502 of TPC between Aigle-Hôpital and St-Triphon-Village
Beh 4/8 592 of TPC between Aigle-Hôpital and St-Triphon-Village
BDeh 4/4 503 of TPC between Les Neys and Route de Morgins
BDeh 4/4 503 of TPC between Monthey-En Place and Monthey-Hôptial
BDeh 4/4 501 of TPC at Pont de Chemex
Beh 4/8 592 of TPC at Pont de Chemex
BDeh 4/4 313 of TPC at Aigle-Place-du-Marché