BDeh 4/4 503 of TPC between Croix-du-Nant and Les Neys
BDeh 4/4 503 of TPC at Pont de Chemex
233 219 of DB at Freihungsand
612 615 of DB at Freihungsand
BDeh 4/4 503 of TPC between Monthey-En Place and Monthey-Hôptial
BDeh 4/4 503 of TPC between Villy and St-Triphon-Gare
Beh 4/8 592 of TPC between Villy and St-Triphon-Gare
ER24PC "IranRunner" 1637 of RAI between Shiraz and Saadat Shahr
642 811 of VBG at Reuth bei Erbendorf
Airbus A300-605R of IR at Frankfurt (Main)
622 911 of vlexx at Nabburg
1648 204 of OPB at Haindorf
642 318 of VBG at Haindorf
233 662 of DB at Gumpenhof
612 488 of DB at Oed
264 006 of SGL at Oed
232 330 of DB at Thansüß