BM 74 051 of Vy between Tønsberg and Skoppum

BM 74 051 of Vy between Tønsberg and Skoppum

BM 74 043 of Vy between Skoppum and Tønsberg

BM 74 043 of Vy between Skoppum and Tønsberg

BM 74 044 of Vy between Langset and Eidsvoll

BM 74 022 of Vy between Eidsvoll and Langset

BM 74 054 of Vy between Eidsvoll and Langset

BM 74 004 of Vy between Langset and Eidsvoll

BM 74 007 of Vy between Eidsvoll and Langset

BM 74 016 of Vy between Eidsvoll and Langset

BM 74 007 of Vy between Langset and Eidsvoll

BM 74 015 of Vy between Ustaoset and Geilo

BM 74 015 of Vy between Ustaoset and Geilo

BM 74 015 of Vy between Haugastøl and Finse

BM 74 015 of Vy between Haugastøl and Finse

BM 74 032 of Vy between Skjeberg and Ingedal

BM 74 027 of Vy between Onsøy and Råde

BM 74 032 of Vy between Råde and Rygge

BM 74 028 of Vy between Råde and Rygge

BM 74 025 of Vy between Rygge and Råde