1801 of SNCB/NMBS at Voroux

1840 of SNCB/NMBS at Voroux

1832 of SNCB/NMBS at Goetsenhoven

1854 of SNCB/NMBS at Goetsenhoven

1805 of SNCB/NMBS at Willebringen

1846 of SNCB/NMBS at Willebringen

1818 of SNCB/NMBS between Nossegem and Kortenberg

1820 of SNCB/NMBS between Kortenberg and Nossegem

1824 of SNCB/NMBS between Nossegem and Kortenberg

1883 of SNCB/NMBS between Nossegem and Kortenberg

1808 of SNCB/NMBS at Goetsenhoven

1812 of SNCB/NMBS at Goetsenhoven

1857 of SNCB/NMBS at Goetsenhoven

1862 of SNCB/NMBS between Lier and Boechout

1891 of SNCB/NMBS between Duffel and Kontich-Lint

1862 of SNCB/NMBS between Kontich-Lint and Duffel

1867 of SNCB/NMBS between Enghien and Silly

1867 of SNCB/NMBS between Enghien and Silly

1862 of SNCB/NMBS between Silly and Ath

1866 of SNCB/NMBS at Ghlin