754 034 of ZSSK between Slovenská Ľupča and Lučatín

754 004 of ZSSK between Dvorníky-Zádiel and Hrhov

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Nizna Mysla and Vysna Mysla

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK at Nizna Mysla

754 052 of ZSSK between Humenné Mesto and Brekov

754 034 of ZSSK between Riečka and Abovce

754 034 of ZSSK between Riečka and Abovce

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Jablonov nad Turňou and Lipovník

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Vernár and Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Vernár and Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa

754 082 of ZSSK between Telgárt and Červená Skala

754 082 of ZSSK at Telgárt

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Hodejov and Blhovce

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK at Blhovce

754 034 of ZSSK at Blhovce

754 034 of ZSSK between Vidová and Slavec jaskyňa

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK at Telgárt penzión

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK at Telgárt penzión

Class 754 "Taucherbrille" of ZSSK between Telgárt penzión and Vernár

754 054 of ZSSK between Telgárt penzión and Vernár