ABt of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt 4151 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt 4157 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt 4157 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt of MGB between Täsch and Randa
ABt of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt of MGB between Realp and Hospental
ABt of MGB at Göschenen
ABt of MGB between Obergesteln and Oberwald
ABt 4151 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt 4157 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt 4155 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt 4191 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABt of MGB at Andermatt
ABt 4195 of MGB between Täsch and Zermatt
ABt 4195 of MGB between Visp and Stalden-Saas