EMD SD39-M3 2303 of TRANSAP at El Monte

EMD SD39-M3 3501 of TRANSAP at Talagante

EMD SD39-M3 3501 of TRANSAP at Talagante

EMD SD39-M3 3501 of TRANSAP at Talagante

EMD SD39-M3 2302 of TRANSAP at Talagante

EMD SD39-M3 2302 of TRANSAP at Talagante

EMD SD39-M3 2301 of TRANSAP at Talagante

EMD SD39-M3 2301 of TRANSAP at Leyda

EMD SD39-M3 2301 of TRANSAP at Leyda

EMD SD39-M3 3502 of TRANSAP between San Francisco de Mostazal and Hospital

EMD SD39-M3 3502 of TRANSAP at Villa Los Eneinos

EMD SD39-M3 2304 of TRANSAP at Gultro

EMD SD39-M3 2304 of TRANSAP at Rancagua