Re 465 001 of BLS between Ins and Müntschemier
Re 465 012 of BLS between Domodossola and Preglia
Re 465 002 of BLS between Varzo and Preglia
Re 465 004 of BLS between Signau and Emmenmatt
Re 465 007 of BLS between Signau and Emmenmatt
Re 465 009 of BLS between Langnau i. E. and Trubschachen
Re 465 009 of BLS between Escholzmatt and Schüpfheim
Re 465 005 of BLS between Escholzmatt and Schüpfheim
Re 465 004 of BLS between Worb SBB and Tägertschi
Re 465 012 of BLS at Lötschberg-Basistunnel (Südportal)
Re 465 005 of BLS between Worb SBB and Tägertschi
Re 465 004 of BLS between Malters and Schachen
Re 465 002 of BLS between Malters and Schachen
Re 465 001 of BLS between Langnau i. E. and Trubschachen
Re 465 005 of BLS between Worb SBB and Tägertschi
Re 465 004 of BLS between Worb SBB and Tägertschi
Re 465 005 of BLS between Entlebuch and Wolhusen
Re 465 009 of BLS at Hohtenn (Luogelkinviadukt)
Re 465 009 of BLS at Hohtenn (Luogelkinviadukt)
Re 465 004 of BLS between Werthenstein and Schachen