RBDe 565 732 of BLS between Ins and Müntschemier
RBDe 565 738 of BLS between Ins and Müntschemier
RBDe 565 742 of BLS between Ins and Müntschemier
RBDe 565 742 of BLS between Emmenmatt and Signau
RBDe 565 729 of BLS between Boltigen and Enge im Simmental
RBDe 565 of BLS between Konolfingen and Tägertschi
RBDe 565 of BLS between Konolfingen and Zäziwil
RBDe 565 of BLS at Hohtenn (Luogelkinviadukt)
RBDe 565 of BLS between Lyss and Busswil
RBDe 565 of BLS between Zäziwil and Bowil
RBDe 565 of BLS between Konolfingen and Zäziwil
RBDe 565 739 of BLS at Boltigen
RBDe 565 722 of BLS between Thun and Uetendorf-Allmend