GE AC4400CW of UP between Evanston and Echo UT

GE AC4400CW of UP between Evanston and Echo UT

GE AC4400CW of UP between Evanston and Echo UT

GE AC4400CW of UP between Evanston and Echo UT

GE AC4400CW of UP between Point of Rocks and Point of Rocks Kohlekraftwerk WY

GE AC4400CW of UP between Laramie and Rock River WY

GE AC4400CW of UP between Laramie and Rock River WY

GE AC4400CW of UP at Dale Junction WY

GE AC4400CW of UP at Dale Junction WY

GE AC4400CW of UP at Dale Junction WY

GE AC4400CW of UP at Rock River WY

GE AC4400CW of UP between Laramie and Rock River WY

GE AC4400CW of UP between Laramie and Rock River WY

GE AC4400CW of UP between Laramie and Rock River WY

GE AC4400CW of UP between Laramie and Dale Junction WY

GE AC4400CW of UP between Hanna and Medicine Bow

GE AC4400CW of UP between Spanish Fork and Soldier Summit UT

GE AC4400CW of UP between Spanish Fork and Soldier Summit UT

GE AC4400CW of UP between Spanish Fork and Soldier Summit UT

GE AC4400CW of UP between Spanish Fork and Soldier Summit UT