Re 4/4 II of SBB between Biberbrugg and Altmatt
Re 4/4 II 11141 of SBB between Biberbrugg and Altmatt
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Mogelsberg and Brunnadern-Neckertal
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Würenlos and Otelfingen
Re 4/4 II of SBB between St. Gallen Haggen and Gübsensee
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Brig and Lalden
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Sissach and Gelterkinden
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Elgg and Schottikon
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Sissach and Gelterkinden
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Sissach and Gelterkinden
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Sissach and Gelterkinden
Re 4/4 II 11108 of SBB between Sissach and Gelterkinden
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Altstätten and Rebstein-Marbach
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Unterterzen and Mols
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Altmatt and Rothenthurm
Re 4/4 II 11109 of SBB between Altmatt and Rothenthurm
Re 4/4 II 11109 of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Erstfeld and Silenen
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Gurtnellen and Amsteg