Ae 6/6 of SBB between Oensingen and Oberbuchsiten
Ae 6/6 of SBB at Gutenburg
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Muri and Boswil
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Frick and Zeihen
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Samstagern and Riedmatt SZ
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Winterthur Wülflingen and Pfungen-Neftenbach
Ae 6/6 of SBB at Bäretswil
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Wetzikon and Hinwil
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Neuchâtel-Serrières and Auvernier
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Sins and Oberrüti
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Schwaderloch and Leibstadt
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Ae 6/6 of SBB at Wädenswil
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Zell LU and Gettnau
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Zell LU and Gettnau
Ae 6/6 of SBB between Würenlos and Otelfingen