Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB at Schlieren
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Würenlos and Otelfingen
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Reichenburg and Bilten
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Zürich Flughafen and Bassersdorf
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Zürich Flughafen and Bassersdorf
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Effretikon and Bassersdorf
Re 450 097 of SBB at Effretikon
Re 450 097 of SBB at Effretikon
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Herrliberg-Feldmeilen and Winkel am Zürichsee
Re 450 100 of SBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
Re 450 031 of SBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
Re 450 071 of SBB between Effretikon and Dietlikon
Re 450 040 of SBB at Fehraltorf
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Eglisau and Hüntwangen-Wil