A 3/5 705 of SBB at Etzwilen

A 3/5 705 of SBB at Etzwilen

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Ossingen and Thalheim-Altikon

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Ossingen and Thalheim-Altikon

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Schaffhausen and Feuerthalen

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Schaffhausen and Feuerthalen

A 3/5 705 of SBB at Baden Oberstadt

A 3/5 705 of SBB at Bellinzona

A 3/5 705 of SBB at Bodio

A 3/5 705 of SBB at Giornico

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Faido and Lavorgo

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Ambri-Piotta and Rodi-Fiesso

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Gurtnellen and Wassen

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Erstfeld and Silenen

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Schwyz and Steinen

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Rotkreuz and Oberrüti

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Buchs SG and Sevelen

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Reconvilier and Tavannes

A 3/5 705 of SBB between Malleray-Bévilard and Sorvilier

A 3/5 705 of SBB at Delémont