ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Reichenau-Tamins and Bonaduz
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Felsberg and Chur West
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Zernez and Cinuos-chel-Brail
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Filisur and Alvaneu
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Filisur and Alvaneu
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Cavadürli and Klosters Platz
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Davos Wolfgang and Davos Laret
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Davos Wolfgang and Davos Laret
ABe 4/16 "Capricorn" 3111 of RhB between Davos Wolfgang and Davos Laret