140 094 of IDS at Polepy
189 058 of DB at Polepy
Re 460 of SBB between Zeihen and Hornussen
163 241 of ČD at Polepy
163 079 of ČD at Vrutice
163 072 of ČD at Vrutice
Be 4/12 58 of RBS at Solothurn
140 094 of IDS at Polepy
753 709 of AWT at Polepy
753 709 of AWT at Polepy
140 094 of IDS at Polepy
RABe 526 284 of SBB between Solothurn and Solothurn West
RABDe 500 014 of SBB between Solothurn and Solothurn West
RABe 525 026 of BLS between Solothurn and Biberist Ost
844 029 of ČD at Starý Šachov
RABe 4/12 "NExT" 25 of RBS between Solothurn and Biberist
754 061 of ČD at Velký Grunov
RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Champ-du-Moulin and Bôle
Bt of SBB between Champ-du-Moulin and Bôle
843 014 of ČD at Velký Grunov