RABe 526 "GTW 2/8" of SBB between Sonceboz-Sombeval and Tavannes
RABe 526 281 of SBB between Sonceboz-Sombeval and Tavannes
RABe 526 282 of SBB between St-Imier and Sonvilier
RABe 526 282 of SBB between St-Imier and Sonvilier
RABe 526 264 of SBB between St-Imier and Sonvilier
RABe 526 260 of SBB between Sonceboz-Sombeval and La Heutte
RABe 526 285 of SBB between Biel and Frinvillier-Taubenloch
RABDe 500 037 of SBB between Delémont and Moutier
Re 420 306 of SBB between Champ-du-Moulin and Bôle
Bt 552 of TransN at Boudry (Tuilière)
Be 4/4 503 of TransN at Areuse Littorail
232 093 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
Be 4/4 501 of TransN between Areuse Littorail and Les Chézards
Be 4/4 503 of TransN at Allées Littorail
Be 4/4 506 of TransN between Areuse Littorail and Les Chézards
Be 4/4 503 of TransN at Boudry Littorail
Be 4/4 503 of TransN at Boudry (Tuilière)