M62 0213 of MAV at Börgönd
628 213 of MAV at Börgönd
429 001 of MMV at Börgönd
429 001 of MMV at Börgönd
651 008 of MAV at Börgönd
651 008 of DB at Börgönd
Semipilota PR of FS between Carimate and Camnago-Lentate
ETR 610 "Cisalpino due" of SBB between Carimate and Camnago-Lentate
753 609 of CER at Börgönd
753 609 of CER at Börgönd
651 008 of MAV between Nagylók and Aba-Sárkeresztúr
651 008 of MAV between Nagylók and Aba-Sárkeresztúr
651 008 of MAV at Börgönd
651 008 of DB at Börgönd
M62 0224 of MAV at Börgönd
541-005 of SŽ at Crnotice
Class 541 "Taurus" of SŽ between Hrastovlje and Crnotice
Class 363 of SŽ between Hrastovlje and Crnotice
117 191 of MAV at Kisber