FR at Porthmadog
Garrat 2-6-2 + 2-6-2 87 of WHR between Beddgelert and Nantmor
Garrat 2-6-2 + 2-6-2 87 of WHR between Rhyd-Ddu and Beddgelert
Garrat 2-6-2 + 2-6-2 87 of WHR between Waunfawr and Rhyd-Ddu
Garrat 2-6-2 + 2-6-2 87 of WHR between Waunfawr and Rhyd-Ddu
0-4-0 of LLR at Llanberis
0-4-0 of LLR at Llanberis
0-4-0 of LLR at Llanberis
0-4-0 of LLR at Llanberis
8139 of PN between Bomaderry and Berry
8139 of PN between Bomaderry and Berry
0-4-0 of LLR at Llanberis
0-4-0 of NSM at Llanberis
Endeavour of NSWTL between Bomaderry and Berry
Endeavour of NSWTL between Bomaderry and Berry
Endeavour 2809 of NSWTL between Gerringong and Berry
Endeavour 2809 of NSWTL between Gerringong and Berry
158 824 of AW at Porthmadog
Endeavour 2859 of NSWTL between Kiama and Gerringong
Endeavour 2859 of NSWTL between Kiama and Gerringong