4024 029 of ÖBB at Lindau
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB at Einsiedeln
Eb 2/4 of OeBB between Etzwilen and Ramsen
A 3/5 of SBB between Etzwilen and Ramsen
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB between Samstagern and Riedmatt SZ
A 3/5 of SBB between Effretikon and Bassersdorf
Bt of SBB between Effretikon and Bassersdorf
RABe 514 "DTZ" of SBB between Effretikon and Bassersdorf
Re 4/4 I of TEE between Gelterkinden and Tecknau
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Re 4/4 II of SOB between Rapperswil and Hurden