Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
RABe 526 "FLIRT" of SOB between Rapperswil and Hurden
RBDe 566 224 of BLS between Walkringen and Bigenthal
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Pfäffikon ZH and Fehraltorf
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Pfäffikon ZH and Fehraltorf
RBDe 566 221 of BLS between Biglen and Grosshöchstetten
Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Fehraltorf and Illnau
RBDe 566 231 of BLS between Uetendorf and Uetendorf Allmend