ABeh 4/4 306 of BOB between Zweilütschinen and Lütschental
ABt 415 of BOB between Zweilütschinen and Lütschental
ABt 423 of BOB between Zweilütschinen and Lütschental
ABt 421 of BOB between Zweilütschinen and Lütschental
7121 031 of HŽ at Pleternica
7121 112 of HŽ at Pleternica
JŽ 661 of ŽFBH at Rudice
JŽ 661 of ŽFBH at Rudice
7121 111 of HŽ between Pozega and Pleternica
7121 031 of HŽ at Bucje Koprivnica
1141 027 of HŽ at Orlovac
1142 005 of HŽ at Orlovac