612 547 of DB between Martinszell(Allgäu) and Sulzberg
232 618 of DB at Altenstadt WN
218 430 of DB between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen
218 415 of DB between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen
Class 612 of DB between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen
218 498 of DB between Oberstaufen and Röthenbach
218 498 of DB between Oberstaufen and Röthenbach
232 428 of DB at Escheldorf
612 670 of DB at Sulzbach-Rosenberg Hütte
233 176 of DB at Thansüß
362 594 of DB at Rothenstadt
233 662 of DB at Rothenstadt
233 698 of DB at Schwandorf
412 9028 of DB between Wichtrach and Kiesen
266 458 of DB at Freihöls
266 458 of DB at Dürnsricht
412 9018 of DB between Spiez and Thun
612 132 of DB at Thansüß
612 980 of DB at Neudes
185 111 of DB between Zeihen and Hornussen