232 569 of DB at Wiesau
233 662 of DB at Etzenricht
232 569 of DB at Thansüß
232 262 of DB at Reuth bei Erbendorf
233 285 of DB at Schönlind
612 485 of DB at Schönlind
233 521 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
185 110 of DB between Flums and Mels
412 9034 of DB between Flums and Mels
232 262 of DB at Escheldorf
612 595 of DB at Rothenstadt
102 004 of DB at Oberwildenau
50 80 80-35 357 DBbzfa761.2 of DB at Vierkirchen
445 083 of DB at Vierkirchen
102 001 of DB at Oberteich
612 019 of DB at Rothenstadt
233 698 of DB at Ullersricht
612 632 of DB at Altenstadt WN
266 453 of DB at Neustadt/WN
232 469 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)